Description of the job

  • Asbestos decontamination of metallic structures
  • Partial demolition and reconstruction of the false ceiling
  • Re-insulation with fire protection
  • • This was the first and the largest remediation intervention carried out in Italy on a civil building, which was kept habitable for the whole duration of the works.

Test phase

  • Between 1987 and 1989, the first decontamination was carried out on two floors, where the managers' offices were. This experience was essential to create a complex working plan for the remediation of the whole building. We can call this a pilot intervention, as we had to tackle all the main problems posed by the remediation of a working environment which is only partially empty.

Difficulties faced

  • The decontamination was carried out on one floor at a time, with filter floors above and below for refurbishment interventions only.

Critical points

  • The building hosting Ente Poste and Telecom offices kept being used for all the duration of the works. Another building was built to temporarily host the offices from the floors being decontaminated.

Innovative solutions adopted

  • This was the first intervention where a 200 m2 large prefabricated decontamination unit was used.
  • Amount of the contract: €. 3.594.540

Technical data

Area treated:

  • 17-storey building, 2,000 m2 per floor

  • N° worksite managers: 1
    N° specialised workers: 10
    N° total workers: 25

  • m2 treated: approx. 34,000
    m3 treated: 1,100 m3 of toxic-dangerous waste




Customer: Protel

Area: Roma

Construction site: Poste Italiane

Work Termination: June 1999




The TIA group was founded after the war and became the leading asbestos removal company in Italy in the 1990s.

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