Description of the job

  • Asbestos removal and reconstruction of the building's roofing.
  • Installation of a photovoltaic system

The Quinto di Treviso plant is an industrial building with non-walkable shed roofing. The interventions included first of all the removal of the two-layered asbestos from the roofing. For safety reasons, safety nets had to be installed on the entire surface. The roofing reconstruction included the installation of pre-painted galvanised-steel sandwich panels with 50 mm mineral wool insulating mat, as required by the new fire brigade regulation. A permanent life line was installed to complete the building operations.

Technical data

  • Removal of 25,000 m2 of cement-asbestos
  • Roofing reconstruction with pre-painted galvanised-steel sandwich panels and 50 mm mineral wool insulating mat
  • Installation of 3,442, 240 W poly-crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules
  • Power of the photovoltaic system installed: 826 kWp
  • Estimated return on investment time, including remediation and roofing reconstruction: 5 years
  • Work duration: 2 months


golfetto sangati


Customer: Golfetto Sangati

Area: Quinto di Treviso (TV)

Work Termination: 2012




The TIA group was founded after the war and became the leading asbestos removal company in Italy in the 1990s.

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Address: via Salomone 73, 20138 Milano (IT)
Phone number: +39 02 50 99 40 1
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