STRIP-OUT e DECOMMISSIONING di Immobili ed Impianti

In the Isoroy plant (Sonae group) in Auxerre, our company has recently removed asbestos false ceilings which were present in most productive areas and warehouses. In France, the "Panocell" type is commonly used, it contains chrysotile asbestos.
Operations were divided into 6 phases/working steps, for a total of 3 months and an average of 35 specialised workers, all of them holding an asbestos training certification.
The intervention was demanding, as the reclamation had to be carried out without interrupting the activities in the plant.

It is worth mentioning how this reclamation has been organised, as this shows an important difference from the Italian regulation: a risk analysis was mandatory for asbestos powder emission during the realisation of reclamation operations in the worksite. In Italy, modifications to the law have been discussed for a long time; something similar could be decided in our country too.

The obligation to assess dustiness levels (the measurement of the concentration of asbestos fibres per litre of air) caused by the activities in the work site was introduced in France by the Decree no. 2012-639 of 4th May 2012. Before starting the reclamation of the site, a testing worksite should be set up to allow the classification of every process which will be used for the reclamation of materials containing asbestos into 3 dustiness levels defined by the law, according to article R. 4412-98 of the above-mentioned decree.


There are 3 levels:

  • level 1 - less than 100 fibres/litre in the workstation (analysis carried out using the META method)
  • level 2 - between 100 and 6,000 fibres/litre in the workstation (analysis carried out using the META method)
  • level 3 - between 6,000 and 25,000 fibres/litre in the workstation (analysis carried out using the META method)

Each level corresponds to a reclamation method which is more and more complex according to the level of exposure.

The remediation process of materials contained in the Isoroy plant correspond to the code M 05_T 01_ME 04a_C 02_A 03_H 01, which is specific for asbestos-containing materials, such as felt and cardboard. The assessment in our Working Plan shows an expected release of fibres of level 2 (on the basis of previous experiences).
The test carried out in the worksite, specific for one out of the six areas the operations are divided into, resulted in a level 1 exposure situation, with the release of less than 100 fibres/litre in the workstation. This would have entailed a modification of the work plan and a simplification of remediation activities, but the Client decided to keep the higher safety level and confirmed the method defined in the existing work plan.

In short, all the areas not containing asbestos - such as walls, offices, machineries and pipes - were confined and covered with a double 200 micron polythene sheet. Linoleum was laid on the ground to allow higher soil resistance. Openings and air leak points in the roof were sealed with polyurethane foam. 3-phase decontamination unit for waste and materials taken out of the contaminated area. 5-phase decontamination unit for the staff. two to eight 50,000 m3/h air extractors to ensure at least 6 exchanges/hour in each one of the six work site sub-areas, according to their dimension.


Depuis 2007 la société a décidé de se concentrer sur les énergies renouvelables, en créant une division spécialisée dans la réalisation de systèmes photovoltaïques et en associant cette activité à celle des décontaminations environnementales. Ainsi, est né le service d'enlèvement de couvertures en ciment d'amiante associé à la réfection de ces surfaces avec des panneaux photovoltaïques. Il s'agit d'un service intégré, capable de transformer un danger potentiel en ressource, dans le respect de l'environnement.

Le choix de se concentrer sur des systèmes photovoltaïques à placer sur les toits de bâtiments de moyenne et grande dimension va à l'encontre de la stratégie d'autres sociétés visant à réaliser des systèmes photovoltaïques au sol de grosse dimension, en enlevant des terrains cultivables à leur destination d'origine, avec un impact considérable d'un point de vue environnemental. TIA a toujours cru au contraire que la diffusion des panneaux photovoltaïques doit se faire en exploitant les potentialités offertes par les toits des hangars et des bâtiments, sans influencer le territoire et avec l'avantage de pouvoir consommer directement sur place l'énergie produite.

Aujourd'hui, installer un système photovoltaïque en Italie est intéressant de tous points de vue. Dans le cas de moyennes et grandes installations on peut opter pour l'investissement direct ou la location. Dans le second cas, sans investissement initial pour le client et en échange d'un loyer, nous installons le système photovoltaïque, en nous occupant de la livraison et de la pose et de toute activité de maintenance de l'installation.

Activités liées au service intégré de décontamination et installations PHV:

  • Plan de travail de la décontamination
  • Conception du système photovoltaïque
  • Enlèvement de l'ancienne couverture en ciment d'amiante
  • Livraison et pose de la nouvelle couverture
  • Livraison et pose du système photovoltaïque



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The TIA group was founded after the war and became the leading asbestos removal company in Italy in the 1990s.

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