STRIP-OUT e DECOMMISSIONING di Immobili ed Impianti



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The Saint Joseph prison in Lyon was built in the 19th century. Last century, it was closed down because it did not meet contemporary standards; the strong mobilisation of associations for the defence of the French artistic heritage led to its reclamation. By 2014, new offices and social houses will be created and a campus will be built to accommodate 5,000 students. TIA was entrusted with the reclamation, on behalf of an important real estate asset manager.

The reclamation of this building included the removal of large quantities of asbestos and lead from the old prison. In order to protect this unique example of the French 19th-century prison architecture, some walls were kept unmodified, under the supervision of the chief architect of the French Historical Monuments. The size of the building and the difficult intervention showed TIA's ability and expertise in managing complex situations. The careful and meticulous conservation work in this historical building was particularly appreciated.

The risk/threshold of 0,1 mg/m3 required the interventions to be realised in confined spaces and the use of assisted-breathing masks. Lead removal was carried out by means of:

  • scraping
  • high-pressure jet
  • sandblasting

The main lead-containing elements, which were subject to decontamination works:

  • stairs
  • plasters
  • windows
  • plinths
  • doors
  • frames


Client: OGIC

Localité: Lyon

Chantier: Ancienne prison de Saint Joseph

Fin des travaux: 2013

During the reclamation works of railway installations along the Turin-Padua line, our company is carrying out several interventions on the asbestos-containing crushed stones - usually called ballast. The ongoing activities are complex and require great experience, team work and operational coordination among all companies involved, as they are carried out in difficult and limited spacial and temporal contexts.

Critical aspects

Safety is surely the main critical point, for the following reasons:

  • handling of dangerous materials
  • railway sector (trains, electricity)
  • night work

Limited working time is another critical aspect: the time the line is stopped has to be as short as possible, therefore it is fundamental to plan in detail the completion of some work phases before reactivating the line, so as not to damage the quality of interventions already completed.

Description of works

TIA’s work includes excavations to place foundation blocks for phone poles; the surface ballast and the underlying polluted soil are removed.

These operations usually require setting up an area in the station for the following items:

  • train equipped with a decontamination unit;
  • temporary ballast storage site;
  • worksite shed and changing room;
  • chemical toilet.

Tools and equipment commonly used are:

  • 2-bar low-pressure airless pump with rain-effect nozzle;
  • Electrical extractor fan with absolute filter;
  • Manual tools;
  • Excavator;
  • Light tower;
  • Iron sledgehammer;
  • Bogie with locomotive.

In addition to the previous list:

  • worksite electrical system, including a power generator and a certified switchgear compliant with Law 37/08. The worksite switchgear located near the working area includes switches fitted with magnetic and thermal protection and residual-current devices to guarantee a safe power supply to users.
  • Personnel Decontamination Unit

2 bogies are drawn to the worksite before the start of decontamination operations. They contain:

  • onboard the first bogie - UDP, water tank, WC, power generator and light tower.
  • onboard the second bogie - excavator, big bag holder and new crushed stones.

Before starting the excavation operations, our staff - equipped with specific PPE - should:

  • set up the fencing around the worksite;
  • start the wetting operations on the ballast using water and incapsulant within the excavation area and the surrounding areas; this operation will be repeated during all ballast handling phases by airless pump.
  • carry out airborne fibres sampling: 1 background sampling in each excavation and plinth laying area, to be repeated daily during the removal of ballast.

For more information:

Dans le cadre de la requalification des installations du chemin de fer Turin-Padoue, notre société est en train d'effectuer dans différentes localités une série d'interventions d'assainissement du ballast, contenant de l'amiante. Les activités en cours sont complexes et demandent une grande expérience, une cohésion des équipes et une coordination opérationnelle entre les différentes sociétés impliquées, car elles sont effectuées dans des contextes spatio-temporels difficiles et limités.

Aspects critiques

La sécurité est certainement le point critique principal, surtout à cause de ces raisons:

  • manutention de matériau dangereux
  • secteur ferroviaire (trains, électricité)
  • traitements nocturnes

Les temps de travail limités constituent aussi un aspect critique : en effet, en raison de la nécessité de limiter au maximum l'arrêt de la ligne, il est fondamental de planifier avec précision l'achèvement de certaines phases du travail avant de réactiver la ligne, pour ne pas compromettre la qualité des traitements effectués précédemment.

Description des traitements

L'intervention de TIA consiste à réaliser des excavations pour la pose de blocs de fondation de poteaux téléphoniques avec retrait du ballast superficiel et du terrain pollué situé en dessous.

De façon sommaire, ces opérations prévoient toujours l'établissement d'une zone de la gare avec placement de:

  • convoi équipé avec l'unité de décontamination
  • dépôt temporaire du ballast retiré ;
  • baraque et vestiaire de chantier ;
  • WC chimique.

Les équipements et les moyens utilisés de manière récurrente sont:

  • Pompe airless basse pression réglée à 2 bar avec embout à effet pluie;
  • Aspirateurs électriques dotés de filtre absolu;
  • Équipements manuels;
  • Excavateur;
  • Tour d'éclairage;
  • Maillet en fer;
  • Chariots avec locomotive.

À ceux-ci on ajoute:

  • l'installation électrique du chantier, constituée d'un générateur de courant et d'un tableau électrique certifié selon la loi 37/08. Le tableau de chantier placé près de la zone de travail est doté d'interrupteurs pourvus de protection magnéto-thermique et de différentiel, afin de garantir l'alimentation en sécurité des installations
  • l'Unité de Décontamination du Personnel

Les opérations de Décontamination sont effectuées par notre personnel après le remorquage sur le site de décontamination des 2 chariots équipés ainsi:

  • un chariot avec UDP, chauffe-eau, réservoir d'eau, WC, générateur de courant et tour d'éclairage.
  • le second chariot avec excavateur, support big bag et nouveau ballast.

Avant les opérations d'excavation nos opérateurs, équipés avec les EPI prévus, doivent :

  • placer les clôtures du chantier;
  • démarrer les opérations de mouillage à l'eau et produit surfactant du ballast dans la zone d'excavation les les zones environnantes ; ce mouillage sera répété pendant toutes les phases de manutention du ballast avec la pompe airless.
  • effectuer des échantillonnages de contrôle des fibres aéroportées : 1 échantillonnage de fond pour chaque zone d'excavation et de pose de plinthe, répété chaque jour pendant le retrait du ballast.

Pour en savoir plus:

La prigione di saint Joseph a Lione è stata costruita nel XIX secolo. Chiusa nel secolo scorso per la sua inadeguatezza agli standard attuali, grazie ad una forte mobilitazione di associazioni di difesa del patrimonio artistico monumentale francese, si è puntato sulla sua riqualificazione che prevede entro il 2014 la creazione di uffici e di alloggi sociali, così come la realizzazione di un campus che ospiterà 5.000 studenti.

TIA ne ha curato recentemente la bonifica per conto di un importante gestore di patrimoni immobiliari.

La bonifica dell'immobile ha comportato la rimozione di amianto e soprattutto del piombo, presente in quantità, nel vecchio carcere.

Per preservare intatta questa testimonianza unica dell'architettura carceraria francese del XIX secolo, alcune pareti sono state conservate sotto il controllo del capo architetto dei Monumenti storici francesi. Le dimensioni del sito e la delicatezza dell'intervento hanno messo in evidenza la capacità e l'esperienza di TIA nel gestire situazioni complesse. In particolare è stato apprezzato lo scrupoloso e meticoloso lavoro di conservazione dell'edificio storico.

Il rischio/soglia di 0,1 mg/mc. ha comportato una metodologia di intervento con interventi in ambiente confinato e l'utilizzo di maschere a ventilazione assistita. La bonifica da piombo è stata effettuata tramite:

  • raschiatura
  • getto ad alta pressione
  • sabbiatura

Questi i principali supporti contenenti piombo, su cui sono stati effettuati i lavori di decontaminazione:

  • scale
  • intonaci
  • finestre
  • plinti
  • porte
  • cornici
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The TIA group was founded after the war and became the leading asbestos removal company in Italy in the 1990s.

Read more


Address: via Salomone 73, 20138 Milano (IT)
Phone number: +39 02 50 99 40 1
E-mail address:


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